
How quickly can you learn SQL for a job?

It would not be wrong to say that technology is ruling the world currently. One of the key instruments to absolutely justify this is SQL. SQL is a fourth-generation programming language that is used primarily to communicate with databases. It is like, where there is a database, there’s SQL. Made by IBM in the 1970s … Read more

Is TypeScript Worth It In 2022?

TypeScript or TS is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript. It is open source and considered object-oriented. Microsoft developed it in 2012, and the main reason for establishing it was to fill the void that JavaScript could not. Some of the code became complex over time; thus, TypeScript came into the picture. … Read more

How to install Haskell on Windows in 2022?

Haskell is a functional programming and non-strict language. It was published in 1990 and was named after an American mathematician Haskell Brooks Curry. Big tech companies like Meta, Apple, and Microsoft use Haskell for huge-computational operations. The Haskell Programming environment can run on any OS. This tutorial focuses on installation on Windows, and it can … Read more